Vape Face Contest
As part of a new product launch at Vapor4Life, we hosted a contest on our Facebook page to build awareness. The Vapor Zeus ecig is our most revolutionary product and we wanted to do something really fun. We've had a lot of success with sweepstakes where the only requirement is to enter your email address. Contests with the least amount of effort involved always get more entries, but we decided to do something different this time. This was our first contest where we asked contestants to do more. To enter, the contestant had to like our Facebook page and then upload a photo of themselves using one of our products. When "vapers" (people who use electronic cigarettes) take a picture with a cloud of vapor in front of their face it's called a "vape face". Posting this type of photo is very common in the vaping community, so I thought this contest would be a big hit. Vapers could show off their photos and enter to win the new product and vaping supplies for a year. The photo that received the most votes won.
Goals: Create buzz for new product and collect email address to re-market.
Results: 47 entries, 31 new Facebook likes, 56 shares, 2.31k visits, 504 votes, 158 invites
Goals: Create buzz for new product and collect email address to re-market.
Results: 47 entries, 31 new Facebook likes, 56 shares, 2.31k visits, 504 votes, 158 invites